Contractors replacing a roof after storm damage.

帮助 protect yourself from contractor scams

If your area got hit hard with a catastrophe or weather event, shady contractors may arrive offering repairs. Learn tips that might help you spot them.

Clouds aren't the only things that roll in with 龙卷风, 飓风, 森林大火 or other types of severe weather. 在那个地平线上可能还有不诚实的承包商试图欺骗你. 房屋维修骗局可能出现在暴风雨过后,见不得人的承包商通过提供不合格或有缺陷的工艺来赚钱. 帮助 protect yourself, 你的钱和你的家从修理敲门砖学会发现危险信号.

What is a contractor scam?

承包商公司或个人可能会提供故意误导房主的服务, like completing substandard repairs and overcharging for the service.

相信自己的直觉. 如果你对承包商的感觉不好,就不要使用他们. Be watchful of the following tactics:

#1 .不请自来的服务——小心强行上门推销的销售策略

一个承包商过来给你一个不请自来的估价,比如车道密封, chimney rebuilds and roof repair, which are projects commonly pitched to homeowners.

#2 Out-of-state contractors

一些承包商跟踪风暴和其他灾难性事件,希望快速轻松地赚钱. 要小心在没有公司标志或州外车牌的车辆外工作的承包商, 因为如果出现问题或工作未完成,他们可能很难联系. 相反,你可以考虑与当地有良好记录的承包商合作.

#3 Licenses, insurance, references

Most states have requirements a contractor must meet to be licensed. 承包商应提供州承包商委员会颁发的许可证或许可证号码. That number could be inactive, 因此,如果项目在进行中出现问题,核实承包商提供的许可证是很重要的, you could be held accountable.

承包商还应该能够向您提供pp王者电子官网证明, if they don’t and you choose to hire them, you could be liable for any injuries or damages that may occur. 总是询问承包商公司或个人是否有适当的pp王者电子官网. 咨询你的代理人或研究承包商应该拥有的pp王者电子官网类型.

Ask the contractor about their previous work or references. Do your own research — consider checking the Better Business Bureau 或者回顾一下其他客户对他们的工作和业务的评价. 如果一个承包商没有你可以核实的推荐信,那就考虑另一个承包商.

#4 No written contract

要做的工作的所有细节都应该提前写出来. 当承包商不想把你的协议写成书面形式时,这是一个危险信号. 确保你收到一份合同,其中解释了你想要完成的工作以及你和承包商达成一致的条款. 确保你已经阅读了合同,并在工作开始前由你和承包商共同签署.

#5 Full payment requested upfront

Think twice if the contractor requests payment in full upfront. 在某些情况下,承包商可能会要求部分付款来开始工作. Payments should be made based on the schedule in the contract. 在工程完成前不支付尾款或签署竣工文件.

What to look out for after a contractor begins a project

  • Calls from subcontractors: 分包商正在向您付款关于工作完成.
  • Unexpected expenses: It is common to have unexpected expenses arise, but when they are frequent or expensive, 考虑联系房屋检查员或打电话给你所在地区的另一个有信誉的承包商,征求第二意见.
  • 缺乏活动: T在这里 is no activity on the job site during peak working hours.
  • Poor communication regarding progress: 如果你的承包商不回你的电话,也不出现在工作现场, contact your local Better Business Bureau.
  • Low-grade materials: 确保承包商使用的材料与他在估价中列出的相符.

Ways to protect yourself from shady contractors

当寻找承包商来改造,翻新你的家或帮助你 recover from damage resulting from a weather event, consider these tips.

  • Get multiple quotes from local established businesses.
  • 花时间 to make your decision.
  • Verify references: 查看专业机构和商业改善局的报告, and follow up on references from previous clients.
  • Check for up-to-date licenses, and verify insurance protection.
  • Insist on written estimates 还有一份包括联系方式、重要日期和成本明细的合同. 根据 Federal Trade Commission rulings, 如果合同金额超过25美元,您可以在家中或卖方临时营业地点签署合同后的三个工作日内取消合同.

National Association of Home Builders 提供额外的技巧,聘请一个可靠的专业承包商. For storm repair tips, visit the Better Business Bureau 网站. And before you hire any contractor for storm-related repairs, 经常联系你的pp王者电子官网代理人讨论你的pp王者电子官网范围.


本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 的 information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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