

Water leakage prevention, precautions and fixes, plus an overview of leak detection systems.

滴水的水龙头或缓慢漏水的管道可能看起来无害, 但即使是少量的水浪费也会很快成为昂贵的问题. 过多的水分会破坏家具, 地毯, 墙壁和更多, 导致需要昂贵的水损坏修复.

Undetected water can also pose a health risk by encouraging the growth of mold, mildew and bacteria. 躲在墙后, it can worsen allergies or asthma and cause respiratory problems in healthy family members. 节约用水, 金钱和头痛,通过学习如何帮助防止漏水, 以及可能造成的损害, 在开始之前.


  • 厕所, 水龙头, 电器, 管道和屋顶是水源,可以对可能的泄漏进行调查.
  • 查看水费帐单, calling your water company or monitoring your water meter are some ways you can identify if t在这里’s a possible leak.
  • Performing routine maintenance on both interior fixtures like 水龙头 and 热水器 and exterior components like roofing and gutters can help prevent water leaks.
  • 漏水检测系统可以提醒你漏水, 在某些情况下, 如果检测到泄漏,也要关闭水.


在你工作的地方,水的损害可能是一个毁灭性的打击. 你不仅要花很多钱来清理, 但它也会减缓甚至关闭企业运营.

无论是控制注意力分散, 让员工回家清理或丢失设备和记录, 水的损害将不可避免地使你的生意受到打击. Here are some tips to help identify the source and also strategies that may help prevent water leakage and damage from happening.


Determining w在这里 water might come from can go a long way in preventing water damage in the workplace. 这里有一些水源需要调查.


Considering how often we use them, it's not surprising that 厕所 are common sources of leaks. 据估计 五分之一的厕所可能会漏水. 发现大多数厕所漏水很容易.

冲洗10分钟后,拆下水箱盖. 如果水位在溢流管的顶部,你有一个泄漏. 另一种检查方法是:在鱼缸里滴几滴食用色素. 如果这种颜色在10分钟内出现在碗里,那就是漏水了. 如果马桶阀发出半规则或持续的嘶嘶声或汩汩声, 可能有很大的泄漏.


漏水的水龙头或莲蓬头的滴水不仅仅是一个讨厌的东西. 的 环境保护署 states that just one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water per year. 水槽漏水造成的损坏可能需要几千美元才能修复. 漏水的一个明显迹象是水压下降或不一致. 如果你发现水龙头有这样的问题,也许是时候叫管道工了.


水损坏的常见来源包括热水器, 洗衣机、洗碗机、冰箱和空调设备. 的年龄 设备 会是一个主要因素吗. 随着时间的推移,电器生产 冷凝 经常生锈,增加了泄漏的机会. 洗衣机和洗碗机上的供水软管也可能出现泄漏. 数百加仑的水会溢出, 导致建筑物和内部财产遭受重大损失.


室内管道是人类文明的伟大创新之一,但它并非完美无瑕. 输水管道是常见的泄漏源. 管道系统也容易受到堵塞和停工的影响, 哪些会导致厕所溢水, 水槽和洗衣机. Grease buildup in kitchen 汇 and roots in sewer lines are some of the reasons for clogs and stoppages.

在冬天, 管道会结冰,破坏和损坏建筑物和居住者的个人财产. A 1/8th 管子上有一英寸的裂缝 一天能释放250加仑的水.

而且风险随着年龄的增长而增加,因为管道接头会随着时间的推移而退化. 水管漏水的常见原因有:

  • 生锈或腐蚀 of galvanized steel pipes or of the metal joints and connections of newer PVC or copper piping.
  • 水压过大; fixtures and 设备 hoses can withstand only so much before faltering.
  • 水管破裂或破裂这可能会随着年龄、压力或冰冻而发生.


老化、遗失或损坏的屋顶材料 冰大坝 能让水从屋顶进入并损坏天花板、墙壁和地板吗. Inadequate attic insulation and ventilation can speed up a roof's decay and contribute to the formation of 冰大坝. 暴露在风中, 雪, 冰, 雨水和人流量也会影响屋顶的防水能力. 其他屋顶碎片,如树叶, 树枝和苔藓也会阻碍水从屋顶上正常流动或排出.


当你想到水的损害,你可能会想到一个 淹没了地下室 或是厕所里的瀑布. But most problems don't start with giant splashes; a slow leak that goes unnoticed is more common. 早期干预是关键. Waiting too long can inflate your utility bill and allows water to build to a destructive point that can result in costly restoration expenses. 你怎么知道家里有没有漏水呢?

  • 检查你的水费帐单: 查看最冷月份的使用量. A household of four using more than 12,000 gallons per month may have some serious leaks.
  • 给自来水公司打电话: Ask whether your utility provider has a leak detection program that alerts homeowners of unusually high water usage. 如果是这样,找出系统是如何工作的,这样你就可以采取适当的行动.
  • 检查仪表: Record your water meter reading; then turn off all water inside and outside your home, 确保在两小时内没有人使用任何需要水的东西. Record the reading again; if it's up, it's likely t在这里's a leak. 的se procedures can help identify the presence of leaks, but they don't tell you their locations. 这需要进一步的调查, 从检查最常见的罪魁祸首开始:管道, 电器, 厕所, 水龙头和房子的外观.



通常,磨损或翘曲的橡胶挡板与密封不良是问题的根源. 你可以自己更换挡板阀 成本不到10美元. 如果一个新的挡板阀不能阻止泄漏,你可能需要打电话给水管工. 问题可能是一个坏了的部件,如补水阀或松动的垫圈或螺栓. If the problem is a cracked tank or bowl, the only solution is replacing the entire toilet. 当更换是必要的,考虑投资一个 WaterSense-labeled模型. This third-party certification means the toilet uses 20% less water than the federal standard.


阻止水龙头慢慢漏水, 首先更换磨损的内部配件(垫圈), 垫圈, o型环, 墨盒和陶瓷盘),并确保它们牢固. It's also a good idea to remove mineral buildup in the aerator once a year by taking it out and soaking it in vinegar. 莲蓬头也会引起水的问题, but fixing a leak is often as simple as using Teflon tape and a wrench to tighten the connection between the pipe stem and the showerhead. 更换淋浴喷头内的垫圈或o形圈也可以达到同样的效果. As with a faucet, it's also wise to remove the showerhead annually and soak it in vinegar.

当天气变冷时,冷热水龙头里的涓涓细流可能会有所帮助 防止管道结冰. Another good idea is to open cabinet doors to allow heat to get to pipes under 汇 and 电器 near exterior walls. 并确保将暴露在冰冻温度或通风中的水管绝缘, 比如那些位于车库里的, 阁楼, 爬行空间和地下室, 以减少管道结冰导致泄漏的可能性.


在水槽、淋浴和浴缸周围重新填缝和灌浆. 漏水的淋浴盆和松动或缺失的瓷砖应该修理.


检查和 更换洗衣机软管 every 3 to 5 years as part of a proactive maintenance program – sooner if t在这里 are signs of cracking, 胀形或其他劣化. Consider replacing traditional reinforced rubber hoses with stainless steel braided hoses for increased durability and longevity. 获得额外的保护, 考虑一个内置自动关闭机构的不锈钢编织软管. 既然你这么做了, 为什么不把洗碗机上的软管换成钢编织软管呢.


箱型 热水器最后 平均10到12年. 无罐式热水器可以使用长达20年. It is recommended that you drain the water heater once a year to flush out the sediment in the bottom of the tank. 一定要按照制造商的说明去做. 即热式热水器也需要定期维护和保养. 检查机组是否有明显的腐蚀、泄漏或鼓胀. 检查热水器后, 一定要检查一下你的软水器和水过滤系统.


定期维修保养 合格暖通空调承包商 will help keep air conditioner pan drain lines clear of deposits that can clog the line.


水也可以来自外部. 你觉得你有危险吗? 如果是这样,可以考虑以下几个步骤:

  • 聘请专业的屋顶承建商及时修复老化或损坏的屋顶 损坏的屋顶材料.
  • 排水沟,屋檐和落水管应无杂物. 这将使水自由地排出. Downspouts should extend away from the building to carry water away from the foundation.
  • 添加绝缘和 阁楼通风 can extend the life of the roof and reduce the chance of 冰大坝 that can cause water to back up under roofing. 隔热层应保持良好状态,阁楼通风口应畅通.
  • 大多数绝缘材料可以使用50年以上, 只要他们安装和维护良好. 它们的厚度和材料类型会影响它们的有效性. 可能需要增加或更换绝缘材料以提高效率. 不当的安装, 水分, 紫外线和干扰都会对隔热的效果产生负面影响.
  • 如果你的建筑有室外软管连接, remove hoses from hose bibbs in the fall and turn off the water supply to hose bibb connections to help minimize the chance of 由于结冰导致管道破裂.


来帮助监视这些或其他麻烦点, 你可能想要考虑安装一个广告 漏水检测系统. 泄漏检测系统可以是主动的也可以是被动的.

  • 主动泄漏检测系统:这些商业泄漏检测系统通常会产生某种类型的警报, 但也能阻止水流. 的y feature some form of shutoff valve and a means to determine that a leak is occurring. 大多数设备使用湿度传感器来检测泄漏. Other systems utilize a flow sensor and a timer to determine that something is leaking and the water needs to be turned off. An active leak detection system can operate for an individual 设备 or control a whole property.
  • 被动检漏系统: 这些商业泄漏检测系统, 也叫“水报警器”,是为了提醒你可能漏水. 它们通常会在只有1/16英寸深的水中发出声音警报. 有些还会有闪光灯. 被动系统通常是电池供电的独立装置. 它们既便宜又容易安装. 有些只是坐在地板上,而另一些可能是安装在墙上的. A 水分 sensor is located on the bottom of the unit and activates the alarm when it becomes wet. 电池供电的设备需要定期测试, 电池应该定期更换. 使用厕所下面或附近的警报器, 汇, 带制冰机的冰箱, 洗碗机, 洗衣机, 热水器, 污水泵坑, 全屋增湿器, 窗户上的空调和任何以前漏水的地方.
  • 在来自市政供水的水压可能变化的地区,a 水压调节器 可以帮助. 的 specialized valve brings the water pressure down to a safer level before the water enters the plumbing in the building. 高水压会对固定装置和电器造成压力并造成损坏.

的 information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the adv冰 of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.









定期维护洗衣机可以帮助减少故障和昂贵的水损坏. 学习如何清洁你的洗衣机等等.


Learn how to help prevent costly water damage and the different 漏水检测系统s with automatic shutoff valves available on the market today.


Learn workplace fire safety and prevention tips to help protect your employees and business.